About Auteryx


Basic Information
Auteryx are a closed species in a universe where the dinosaurs never went extinct! Bird like dinosaurs took to the water to hunt for food, and adapted to the new marine environment. Auteryx have evolved to become very intelligent, like crows/ravens, and live on a secluded island. They are fishers, and have developed tools and techniques for fishing. This is a comprehensive guide for the species!
Auteryx are rarely bipedal, but they can choose to walk on their hind legs to appear more aggressive, or scout new areas.

Auteryx are open-traited besides mutations. This means that it is possible to have lots of creativity over an auteryx's design! It is possible to freely add/change/remove horns, colors, pattenrs, eye shape, size, accessories, pelt length, and more! Please note that redesigns must still resemble the original design.

Mutations are rare traits that only a few auteryx can have. The follwing traits are the potential mutations an auteryx can have: extra limbs (by default, these auteryx have the "good hunter" trait), impossible wing (bird wings are not a mutation), long and thin tail (regular and long tails that are thick are not a mutation), supernatural (markings which resemble supernatural are not mutations, this encompasses actual supernatural traits), and ears/alternate limbs (auteryx can have fake ears or wing pouches, but it must be explicitly stated that they are accessories)!



Auteryx Life Stages
Auteryx life stages include: egg (just an egg), auteryx chick (very feeble, born with thin feathers and closed eyes), Auteryx fledgling (very impuslive and energetic, and adult auteryx (your standard adult auteryx)! Auteryx usually live for 80-100 human years!

Most auteryx wear a special jewel pendant around the necks. These necklaces are given to auteryx when they transition from youth to adulthood as a gift from thier family, After hatching, an auteryx's parents will find a special rock,a nd prepare the special necklace for the touching, important pendant-giving ceremony. The necklace is not mandatory, but if an auteryx does not have one, it is implied that they had absent or uncaring parents. If an auteryx loses their special necklace, it is like loosing a part of their bond with family.

To celebrate special events or achievements, auteryx like to carve "griffes" into their keratin face shields! It is a non-painful process, and many auteryx would like to have griffes to appear "cool" and "experienced"! Griffes are permanent!

Most fisher auteryx have a standard "spear holder" that is used to transport spears that are used for hunting. Experienced hunters can have thier own unique spear-holder! An auteryx feels most at home in the waters of the oceans. It is also possible to attach useful things, like knives, pouches, tools, or decoration to the spear holder, further demonstrating their utility!
